My Publication List

  1. 2009: Denis Davidov- Partizan Leader (article: First Empire Magazine # 106 )
  2. 2011: Wellington’s First Battle ( book: Caseshot Publishing)
  3. 2012: Wellington’s First Battle (lunchtime lecture at National Army Museum, London)
  4. 2012: British Artillery in the Netherlands, 1794 (article in Smoothbore Ordnance Journal #4 and on-line)
  5. 2013: British Battalion Guns in the Netherlands, 1794 (article in Smoothbore Ordnance Journal #6 and on-line)
  6. 2018: The Men Behind the Memorial (book: Caseshot Publishing, also 23 articles in Parish magazine)
  7. 2020: Wellington at Bay (book: Helion)
  8. 2020: Wellington at Bay (lecture: East Midlands Napoleonic Days, Bingham)
  9. 2020: Wellington at Bay (article: Wargames Illustrated online booklet related to COVID cancelation of Salute 2020.
  10. 2020-2025: Youtube channel, 36 Episodes and 44 total videos, 230 subscribers and 12,900 views)
  11. 2021: Maucune’s Division at Salamanca (book chapter in Glory is Fleeting (Helion).
  12. 2021: The History of a Salamanca Myth (Helion blogpost)
  13. 2021: Life in the Redcoat (book review JSAHR vol.99, #399, p.447)
  14. 2021: An Affair of Posts; Mapping the battle of Linselles (lecture in Centenary Conference of SAHR)
  15. 2021: Guest on Napoleonic Quarterly podcast discussing Flanders 1793–5.
  16. 2022: Wellington at Bay (article: Wargames Soldiers & Strategy #120)
  17. 2022: An Affair of Posts; Mapping the battle of Linselles (book chapter in One Hundred Years of Army Historical Research, Helion)
  18. 2022; The Other Side of the Hill (article re Béchaud in The Waterloo Journal, vol.44, #3)
  19. 2022: Where did Wellington Fight his First Battle? (lecture at Second War & Peace conference, online)
  20. 2023: Throwing Thunderbolts (book: Helion)
  21. 2023: Throwing Thunderbolts (introductory blogpost: Helion)
  22. 2023-2024: Daily ‘on this day’ chronicle of the war of the First Coalition on Twitter/X, 460 posts, 168K views (ended 28/06/2024)
  23. 2023: Salamanca – The French Perspective ( 2 episodes of the Napoleonic Wars podcast with Zack White)
  24. 2025: Napoleon at Little Gibraltar (article: Wargames Soldiers & Strategy #134)
  25. 2025: The Best Army in Europe: The war record of the Prussian army in 1792-5 (Helion blogpost)
  26. 2025: Highly Meritorious (lecture at 8th Wellington Congress, Southampton) (April 2025)
Chapter 3 :An Affair of Posts: Mapping the Battle of Lincelles, 18 August 1793