
  • Ken Reilly’s Yarkshire Gamer Podcast. ”12/2/2025”

    I took part in Ken's Listener Phone-in to talk about the War of the First Coalition and Throwing Thunderbolts; It can be found here. LINK

  • My Publication List ”4/2/2025”
    1. 2009: Denis Davidov- Partizan Leader (article: First Empire Magazine # 106 )
    2. 2011: Wellington’s First Battle ( book: Caseshot Publishing)
    3. 2012: Wellington’s First Battle (lunchtime lecture at National Army Museum, London)
    4. 2012: British Artillery in the Netherlands, 1794 (article in Smoothbore Ordnance Journal #4 and on-line)
    5. 2013: British Battalion Guns in the Netherlands, 1794 (article in Smoothbore Ordnance Journal #6 and on-line)
    6. 2018: The Men Behind the Memorial (book: Caseshot Publishing, also 23 articles in Parish magazine)
    7. 2020: Wellington at Bay (book: Helion)
    8. 2020: Wellington at Bay (lecture: East Midlands Napoleonic Days, Bingham)
    9. 2020: Wellington at Bay (article: Wargames Illustrated online booklet related to COVID cancelation of Salute 2020.
    10. 2020-2025: Youtube channel, 36 Episodes and 44 total videos, 230 subscribers and 12,900 views)
    11. 2021: Maucune’s Division at Salamanca (book chapter in Glory is Fleeting (Helion).
    12. 2021: The History of a Salamanca Myth (Helion blogpost)
    13. 2021: Life in the Redcoat (book review JSAHR vol.99, #399, p.447)
    14. 2021: An Affair of Posts; Mapping the battle of Linselles (lecture in Centenary Conference of SAHR)
    15. 2021: Guest on Napoleonic Quarterly podcast discussing Flanders 1793–5.
    16. 2022: Wellington at Bay (article: Wargames Soldiers & Strategy #120)
    17. 2022: An Affair of Posts; Mapping the battle of Linselles (book chapter in One Hundred Years of Army Historical Research, Helion)
    18. 2022; The Other Side of the Hill (article re Béchaud in The Waterloo Journal, vol.44, #3)
    19. 2022: Where did Wellington Fight his First Battle? (lecture at Second War & Peace conference, online)
    20. 2023: Throwing Thunderbolts (book: Helion)
    21. 2023: Throwing Thunderbolts (introductory blogpost: Helion)
    22. 2023-2024: Daily ‘on this day’ chronicle of the war of the First Coalition on Twitter/X, 460 posts, 168K views (ended 28/06/2024)
    23. 2023: Salamanca – The French Perspective ( 2 episodes of the Napoleonic Wars podcast with Zack White)
    24. 2025: Napoleon at Little Gibraltar (article: Wargames Soldiers & Strategy #134)
    25. 2025: The Best Army in Europe: The war record of the Prussian army in 1792-5 (Helion blogpost)
    26. 2025: Highly Meritorious (lecture at 8th Wellington Congress, Southampton) (April 2025)
    Chapter 3 :An Affair of Posts: Mapping the Battle of Lincelles, 18 August 1793

  • The Best Army in Europe: The War Record of the Prussian Army 1792-5 ”2/2/2025”

    Helion have published my blog post on the Prussian Army of Valmy;

  • Wellington’s First Battle at The Other Partizan 2024 ”7/12/2024”
  • Whiff of Grapeshot ”7/12/2024”

    This video shows the work in progress on the Whiff of Grape shot scenario from Throwing Thunderbolts;

  • Mondovi scenario from Throwing Thunderbolts at Partizan 2024 ”7/12/2024”
  • More videos of the Assault on Fort Mulgrave, Toulon 1793 ”7/12/2024”

    The first video shows a complete playthrough of the scenario, while the second shows the game as presented at Salute 2024.;

  • Battle history of the French Battalions at Villamuriel ”23/5/2024”

    This table is from p,75 of my book Wellington at Bay, the battle of Villamuriel, 25 October 1812, published by Helion in 2020.

  • Episode 31 Assault on Fort Mulgrave Toulon 1793 at The Other Partizan 2023 ”27/1/2024”

    This video includes the background to a scenario from my new book, Throwing Thunderbolts, a Wargamer's Guide to the War of the First Coalition 1792-7, published by Helion. It also shows the scenario used as a participation game at the Other Partizan 2023 wargames show in Newark UK. The game was played using 15mm figures and with Black Powder rules, using scenario specific rules to manage the effects of attacking at night on movement and visibility. Fort Mulgrave was the main fortification defending the Caire Peninsula which overlooked Toulon harbour. Napoleon, then a chef de bataillon, had proposed that the capture of the peninsula would precipitate the evacuation of the Allies from Toulon as their ships would be vulnerable to the fire from the artillery posted there. Napoleon himself commanded one of the four assault columns and was wounded during the assault.

  • Episode 32 Div. Scherer’s Instruction to the Armee d’Italie 1795 ”27/1/2024”

    This video shows a Black Powder mini-game designed to illustrate General Scherer's instruction to the Army of Italy in late 1795, anticipating a transition from mountain warfare to fighting on the plains of north Italy. The scenario highlights the aggressive use of tirailleurs.

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